Pokhara and the trek

By deciding to go to Pokhara by bus (280 km), you take a chance: it may take 5 to 11 hours, depending on the weather, the hurry of the driver and the number of times the bus would break (ours broke three times). Next time I'll take a plane, it's a lot more expensive, but still affordable, and there is no point in spending one precious in a warm, dirty and shaking bus.
Besides, I'd bet that the view from the plane must be breathtaking.

Anyway: this is a restaurant on the "Highway"

a restaurant

Along the road, the daily village life, with a kid playing on a bamboo swing...

Kid playing


This is a view of Pokhara's Lake, and there's not much else to see there.

Pokhara is  small city, but when you come back to it  after trekking in the mountains, it helps not to get too tough a shock with the Luna Park that Kathmandu is.

Besides, you really  appreciate a warm shower, a cocktail bar...

But.... we are not there yet. The Real thing still has to start:  a short transfer by bus, and there you go... into the Himalaya.

Kathmandu 1

More of Kathmandu

Trek start Trekking ! In the Himalaya 1 in the Himalaya 2 Bhaktapur