Visit to Bhaktapur

Bhaktapur is a small medieval town, 15 Km from Kathmandu. Local authorities are preserving the city of culture in an excellent state. Very few cars are allowed in, but they are extremely disturbing.


This is the potters' place, normally it is covered with drying potteries. This time, it was the result of the harvest that was on the floor, as well as kids playing around. 

Baktapur's Place

  Children... you'll find them everywhere in Nepal  

Children playing

Children washing 

  There is a Durbar Square in Bhaktapur too (is there one in every town?). This is a detail of the Golden Door that leads to the Royal palace.

Detail of the Golden Door

That's all folks! This was the last page of the Album.

We hope that you enjoyed the pictures and hope that we made you feel like jumping on the first plane to Nepal. On my side, I'll try go back, hopefully soon.

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